Stock Market Bundle
Are you teaching about the stock market? This is a stock market bundle for you! This is a collection of stock market resources to teach a mini unit on the stock market.
What’s Included:
- comparing stocks activity
- stock market stations lesson
- stock market activity
- stock market lesson with notes
- stock market project
- investing quiz
Get this lesson here:
Reconstruction – 6 Stations Lesson
George Washington Presidency – 6 Stations Lesson
Want to get your student’s engaged in the study of history? Want to get them out of their seats? Want them to analyze primary sources? If you answered yes to all of the questions then this product is for you!
This is a complete 50 minute 6 station lesson on George Washington’s Presidency. There is a handout provided that students carry around and complete at each station, which is clearly labeled to keep them organized. This lesson is designed in Word and can be adapted to fit your classroom. This is a print and use stations lesson! No need to modify unless you want to 🙂 The class period goes so fast with stations!
⇒ Station 1: Foreign Policy
⇒ Station 2: Hamilton’s Financial Plan
⇒ Station 3: Precedent President
⇒ Station 4: Whiskey Rebellion
⇒ Station 5: Video about his legacy (need internet access)
⇒ Station 6: Political Cartoon
Helpful Tip:
⇒ I highly suggest printing the station handouts on different colored paper and put them in folders to keep them organized so every year you have them ready to go!
⇒ I give my student’s 8 minutes a station with a minute passing time to complete a 50 minute class period, with a few extra minutes at the end of the lesson to discuss the main ideas from the lesson.
AP Government and Politics Constitutional Underpinnings Unit
Want to make your life easier with the first week back at school? This is the product for you! It’s a print and ready to use 15 complete lessons for the for the Constitutional Underpinnings Unit for AP United States Government and Politics.
There are over 100+ individual products in ONE package! It includes full lesson plans, student activities, projects, tests and quizzes, videos, and all other needed materials to implement the lessons. Includes cooperative group activities, centers, readings, games, videos, tests, and so much more. I teach with the 55 minute period for the full year. I am a very organized teacher. It can just be printed and ready to go. No modification needed or you can modify if you want to.
This is a HUGE file over 100+ items, so be prepared for a large download! Each folder has multiple folders included an extra folder, tests, and each unit is organized in number order that I taught them. Each lesson was designed in word and power point and can easily be modified and downloaded for your students.
This was updated for the 2018-2019 redesign. Organized and updated June 2019
Robber Barons or Captains of Industry – Jigsaw Activity
Want an easy no prep lesson? This is a jigsaw lesson to compare and contrast big business tycoons to Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and Henry Ford. In the end the students need to decide if they are robber barons or captains of industry.
This lesson makes for a really good group activity to do as a jigsaw lesson or easy sub plans if you are absent! This was designed in Word and can be easily modified and adapted to your classroom.
What’s included?
There is a graphic organizer and five readings to compare and contrast Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and Henry Ford.
Sociology Course
Are you teaching sociology? Want to make your life easier? This is everything you need for a Sociology Full Year Course. This is my 8th year teaching this fun and engaging course!
Over 1,200 individual products in ONE package! These are highly engaging, complete lessons and activities for a sociology course. Free downloads for life! I teach this course every year and update my plans. Read my reviews on individual units included below to see excellent reviews.
What does this curriculum contain?
It includes full lesson plans, student activities, and all other needed materials to implement the lessons. Includes cooperative group activities, centers, readings, games, tests, and so much more. I teach with the 55 minute period for the full year. I am a very organized teacher. Each lesson is organized on a calendar with links to each item on specific class days.
Units Included in this course:
⇒ Introduction to Sociology Unit
⇒ Socialization and Families Unit
⇒ Final Social Movement Project
Helpful Tips:
This is a HUGE file over 1,200 items, so be prepared for a large download! Files are all organized into unit folders for ease of use. Each folder has multiple folders included an extra folder, tests, and each unit is organized in number order that I taught them.
- Google Drive with lifetime FREE updates and any new products
- All the videos will be included in Powerpoints
- Email support for any questions you may have
- 13 years of experience in the classroom and I still teach this course.
- New lessons are added all the time, to give you even more options
- I teach this course every year and update my plans.
- Each lesson is organized on a calendar with links to each task on specific class days.
How can I access the lessons?
Each lesson was designed in Google Drive and can easily be modified and downloaded for your students. You can also click and alternative link and download the file from dropbox.
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We are moving to a new blog. Please join our email club!
Constitution Stations Lesson

Free Resources
AP Government Syllabus
Want to make your life easier? Need to get the collegeboard’s approval? This is an AP U.S. Government Course Audit College Board approved syllabus. This syllabus was approved (June 2018) by the college board for the 2018-2019 redesign. Hope this can help you in someway!
It is 9 pages and designed in Word. It has an outline for pacing, suggested lessons, required readings, etc. It goes with the Edwards Government and America textbook but you can easily change it to fit any AP U.S. Government and Politics textbook. It is updated for the new redesign occurring 2018-2019. It was designed for a full school year but can easily be adapted for a semester or block schedule.
Personal Finance Course
Are you teaching personal finance? Want to make your life easier? This is everything you need for a half year Personal Finance Course. This is my 8th year teaching this fun and engaging course!
What is currently included in this curriculum?
This is everything you need for a Personal Finance Half Year Course. Over 500 individual products in ONE package! I follow the W!se curriculum but it can be applied to any personal finance course.
Here is what is included:
– Google Drive lifetime FREE updates and any new products
– Dropbox download link with lifetime FREE updates and any new products
– All the videos will be included in Powerpoints
– Email support for any questions you may have
– 12 years of experience in the classroom and I still teach this course.
– New lessons are added all the time, to give you even more options
– I teach this course every year and update my plans.
– Each lesson is organized on a calendar with links to each task on specific class days.
Course was Organized and Updated: June 2019
Jamestown and Plymouth Colonies – Comparing and Contrasting
Want a simple easy to use no prep lesson? This is a one page graphic organizer word document with a two page reading comparing and contrasting the Jamestown and Plymouth Colonies. I typically give half my class one colony and the other half the other colony. They read the attached reading and complete half the chart and then we share aloud with the class. You can also pair share the activity. This makes for a really nice supplemental lesson, substitute plans, or homework.
Independance Day— $1 Dollar Deals!!
Here’s are some great deals to celebrate one of the greatest days in American history! I’ve got some great Independence Day Dollar Deals just for you!
Save big on one of my newest products, Reconstruction Stations. This engaging 55-minute lesson contains 6 stations where they will gather information and analyze primary sources. These no prep, print and go stations are:
- Station 1: Notes on the three amendments, Freedman’s Bureau, and Compromise of 1877
- Station 2: Group-work discussion and matching vocabulary
- Station 3: Plessy vs Ferguson Supreme Court case
- Station 4: Primary Documents and Questions
- Station 5: Primary Documents on the KKK
- Station 6: Political Cartoon on White Supremacy
You’ll get your students up and moving around and it’s completely editable to fit your needs!
The second dollar deal is on my Presidential Roles Project! This weeklong project allows groups students to dive deep into one of the seven roles that make up the job of the President of the United States:
- Chief Executive
- Commander in Chief
- Head of Political Party
- Chief Legislator
- Chief Diplomat
- Head of State
- Economic Guardian
Included are a comprehensive PowerPoint of Presidential Roles along with real life examples, a graphic organizer for note taking, and a Presidential Roles game that will allow students to gather information and develop a poster or infographic that details the role that they have been assigned. A detailed rubric takes the guesswork out of grading and provides a great guideline as students collaborate to produce their final product!
Get this product for only $1 July 3rd and 4th!!!! Get it today before it goes up in prices.
Socratic Circles
Want to implement socratic circles this school year to your classroom? Unsure how to implement a socratic circle?
This is a handout designed to make your life easier and encourage students to have rules and expectations with socratic seminars. This handout is very useful when introducing the socratic seminar as a form of discussion in any class. I give this handout to my students when they read an article or a controversial reading as they write their own question for a socratic circle. It works best giving it to them for homework and then they are prepared for a socratic circle the next school day!
What’s included?
There is a general description on what is a socratic seminar, rules for participating, and some guiding questions to help frame your students questions.
How do I find out about and access new materials as they are posted?
Continue to follow me to get the notification emails of new products. Then, simply re-download the files and copy over the new items.