Online Exams- the new way to test

It is that special time of the year when teachers have the privilege of grading final exams. Grading is one of my least favorite parts of my job. I gave a few online tests during first semester. During my second semester, I was determined to not “hand grade” a single test.
I am proud to say that I did not give ONE paper test this semester. Most of my students have What do you think of online tests?commented that they enjoyed taking their tests online, like typing their responses, and getting instant feedback on multiple choice, true false, and matching questions. Short answer and essay take a little longer to grade because I have to go in and grade each section like you would on a paper test.

Some of the reasons I enjoy using online exams are:
  • Save time
  • Easily manage student performance
  • Offer students a better testing environment
  • Instant feedback
  • Correlation to state standards
    Comments from my students about online tests:
    • “I liked them because they showed you what you got right away so I know how my grade will be effected as soon as I’m done the test. I also liked how they were on the computer to because it  doesn’t use paper.”
    • “Taking online tests is great. It helps us save paper for other things, and is also more organized then paper tests. I would absolutely recommend it again.”
    • “It is faster to type and answer questions and students can go back to the question later on. the only downside is the fact that you can’t write on the computer like you could on paper.”
    • “I liked it a lot better. It was faster and easier than doing a test on paper, i thought it was a great idea and i think it should definitely be used again.”
    • “Yes i would suggest it again because you got your grade right after you were done. and it kept you more interested than staring at a piece of paper.”
    • “Well that’s what technology is coming to and its much easier for the teacher to grade and we get our results quickly”
    • “I didn’t overly enjoy taking tests online, i am more accustomed to taking it with pencil and paper. However i liked being able to see my grade right then and there and knowing roughly what my final grade would be on the test.”
Here are some online testing programs:
Quizstar– One of my personal favorites. Best of all it’s FREE and easy to use. Please refer to a previous blog post.
Google Docs– Here is a blog post, called Making Online Quizzes with Google Docs written by Quiz Creator. How to create a google form and online test with this blog post, called Google Forms: How to create a quiz or test that automatically grades itself with Google Docs written by Planet of the Web.
ClassMarker- Here is another online program for testing.
ExamGeneral– Teachers now have an easy to use online exam platform to make creating, administering, and grading exams an efficient and effective process through this website.
Zohowebsite makes creating tests and grading a paperless and simple affair
Proprofswebsite offers teachers more features than you might expect. Advanced options like security, scoring, time limits & more make this online quiz software perfect for corporations, educational institutions and just for fun.  If you are looking for a test generator, exam maker or a causal quiz creator,