Twiducate Safely with your Students

Twitter is a wonderful professional and educational resource for education.Twitter has assisted our students and teachers to extend learning beyond the classroom. Students learn better when they are engaged in the curriculum through a social setting because the environment is inclusive for all students.


Twitter has revolutionized the learning environment and truly brought the world into the classroom. The ability to “watch”  the events as they happen around the world is so valuable. My classes “watched” the twitter feed as #occupywallstreet movement occurred and the #syria hashtag of the uprising in Syria. The experience was priceless!


Unfortunately schools across the country have blocked Twitter, which is preventing our students from collaborating and interacting with each other in a 21st century medium. That’s where Twiducate comes in!

For schools where Twitter is blocked or students are too young, teachers can incorporate Twiducate into the classroom. Twiducate is a wonderful FREE resource for teacher to incorporate a twitter like program into their learning environment. It is a safe medium to extend the classroom beyond the school day and incorporate social media into the classroom. Using Twiducate, teachers and students can be in a specific group, post, comment, and view classroom discussion. Twiducate is a private and safe social network to engage your students. Check it out today!



Citation and images: Twiducate


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